Thursday, October 23, 2008

Cure Apathy Now (CAN)

One person CAN make a difference.

"This is what the Lord requires of you...To ACT JUSTLY, To LOVE MERCY, and To WALK HUMBLY WITH YOUR GOD." Micah 6:8

So many of us walk through this one life we have and buy into the lie that we can't make a difference in this world. I beg to differ. I think we get scared, we live in the status quo, and a spirit of medocrity and religion hold us in a place that tell us we have nothing to offer.

I saw this video, and was inspired to show it to all of you as well. I hope you see Micah 6:8 come to life through this and you find yourself inspired to CURE APATHY NOW (Because you CAN).

1 comment:

Helen Ann said...

I'm so sold on the topic of our identity in Christ - Our royalty - and how much we have inherited through Christ...The Church is sooo underactivated! I can't wait to see more people come to this realization...I speak about this to any audience who will listen...Even if it's just my fuzzies! Because God made them, too - Amen?! ;-)