Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Incredible Children's Pastor

I want to introduce you to my friend "Pastor Jim" or PJ as the people who are closest to him call him and he is amazing.  PJ has such incredible vision for how a children's ministry should work.  
On Friday night, He, Kim (his wife) and Jamison (his son) pulled off one of the greatest events ever known at Vineyard Westside.  It was called the Blast.  
I had no idea what a great event it would be, but PJ did.  We watched as over 150 kids packed into the Glenmore building on the Westside of Cincinnati with their parents as they bobbed for apples, through bugs through webs, golfed, kicked soccer balls into nets, played every other kind of game you can imagine.  Not only that, but there was hot cider, cotton candy, slushies, bar-b-que, hot chocolate, popcorn, and every kind of candy under the sun.  The most impressive part of all of this was that He did it while feeling a bit under the weather.  
Here's what i know.  He has Vision, He has an incredible heart for kids and them becoming all that God made them to be.
I love this guy!


Helen Ann said...

Jim is da bomb!!!!

DanThoms said...

Jim is awesome. I love his love for kids. Inspiring for sure.

darthmom said...

Jim is one of those wonderful people who feels like an old friend the first time you meet him. It's such a blessing to have him at VWS!

sledgeforchrist said...

I am not quite sure if I have met Jim. Nut I know I like him because he has an open heart about leading the juniors.