Sunday, November 2, 2008

Are You Reading "IT?"

One of the most remarkable things that I understand about Faith is that we go through seasons.  This has never been more true for me than in the last 6 months.  As God is awakening me from the Spirit of Apathy, Complacency, and Status Quo;  I am finding myself seeing the world differently the last 3 weeks.  He has given me His eyes for this world and I am ruined, simply wrecked!
In this season, He has placed this book in my lap and had me read it.  At first I thought it would be one of those lame books that sounds like someone is preaching to you, but I was dead wrong.  This book has honestly pegged my story, my apathy, my lack of leadership, and my status quo heart.  
I now realize that the transformation of peoples lives on the West Side of Cincinnati from a "Religious Condition" to a thriving, Authentic "God Experience" begins with my own heart and the leadership that is produced from "IT."  
I recommend this book to anyone who knows there is something wrong with what they are leading and has no idea how to put their finger on it.  This book will open your eyes to apathetic leadership and call you to something greater.  God speaks in this book.  I have found that even though I am wrecked, God is calling me to know what "IT" is, how I once had "IT", then lost "IT", given me a desire to have "IT" back and wants me to keep "IT".  
I am alive again. 


Reverb said...

I'm reading IT right now and it's amazing to see the story of VWS weaved in and out of it.

Michael Joseph Sharp said...

This may sound like a foolish question, but would you recommend this book to people that are not necessarily in church leadership at the present moment?

elektra said...
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cinciann said...

"IT" is amazing! To the previous comment, I would highly recommend "IT" to anyone -- IT is about letting the spirit of God work in your life and in your ministry -- whether that's a ministry through a church or something you do on your own -- your life IS your ministry, and every ministry can have IT!