Sunday, January 25, 2009

In Nairobi - Day 1

Today we met the Great Commission Fellowship Team at 10:00 AM ready for a tour of the Metropolitan area of Nairobi.  This would be a fascinating day as we saw the business, education, retail, finance, and general good vibe of the Nairobi cityscape.  Mostly, we saw the good side of the city and were actually blown away by the diversity of people, the influence of both West and East culture, and the overall kindness and peacefulness of the people that we met.  This was a great way to start the trip and get ourselves acclimated to our surroundings without too much pressure to meet too many people, adjust to jet lag, and remember our names at the same time.

I have to say however, that what we saw was probably not reflective of the majority of Nairobi or Kenya for that matter. This was a day where Nairobi (as a whole) looked like most other international cities that I have been to, but I have a feeling the days that will follow will show an entirely different picture.

On a lighter note, I think Pastor Atandi (Peter) somehow found out about my longing to see a giraffe.  So we took a bit of a short cut and went to the Giraffe Park in Nairobi (still hope to see one in the wild, but this was pretty cool.  They are beautiful animals and as you'll see, Betty (thats her name kissed me, however, she took a great liking to Ric and decided to french kiss him).  I have to say...I am going to have a lot of fun with this photo at church when we get back.

Already, we have fallen in love with the Great Commission Fellowship Leadership and felt a very kindred Spirit with them.  They have hearts of Gold and they deeply care for the people of their city.  They are doing God's work here at a level that many of us in the west would throw our hands up at and walk away because it is too daunting of a task.  

Just having glimpses of the poor in Nairobi has started to shake me.  I realize more than ever that this trip is about what we can learn from Pastor Peter, Pastor George, and Pastor Joel...about what it means to take the teachings of Jesus seriously and live out a day to day walk that loves "the least of these".  The Bible tells us that God lives amongst the poor.  And if we are with them...then God is with us.

I am in search of Jesus here...and I can already tell you that he is here.  We feel Him in a very surreal way.  It hasn't quite sunk in yet that a white kid from Cincinnati is in the heart of the African continent experiencing God on levels I have never experienced Him before.  Other than marrying the girl of my dreams and having 4 incredible kids, I'm not sure what could ever compare with this.  But...who knows what tomorrow will bring?


Maria said...

Tim, Ryan, Carrie & Ric,
Sounds like you are doing wonderful! Love the giraffe picture, one of my favorite animals. Anyway, we miss you all and continued prayers your way to find the Jesus in everyone and everything! Looking forward to your next blog and pictures. See you soon! Ryan misses you all and he did a great job at church today! lol! See you soon!

Nick Calcara said...

That's awesome Tim! Can't wait to hear more. Can you get me a pic of a leopard without getting eaten?

DanThoms said...

Ok, new rule, no kissing giraffes. Do you know what other things giraffes lick? I don't know what they lick but with those really long necks it could be anything.

Anonymous said...

Man, kissing giraffes. I bet Ryan was jealous he missed out on the sweet giraffe action.

Anonymous said...

you people are sick, ha but glad you stuck your necks out, ha ha for Jesus, we miss you guys have a safe trip home. elizabeth