Sunday, January 4, 2009

A Pretty Good Read

So I had the chance to catch up on some reading over the holidays as well as take a sabbatical from the facebook and blogging world.  It did me good for sure.  One of the books that I read was a bit of a surprise for me.  It was a really easy read, but gave me hope in the business world that the principles shared in the gospels work better than any other business principles I have learned.   While the principles may not be labeled as the teachings of Jesus...they clearly are rooted in the gospels.  I would recommend this to everyone.  It is a very simple read (you could probably get through it in a day) and it is written in story form.  If you decide to read it, it may simplify your approach to how you do business, interact with people, network, and grow your organization.  Enjoy everyone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another book to add to my far-too-long reading list. You'd think after 2 weeks of vacation I would have made a dent in it, but nooooooo!